Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024

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Dear UCLA | Orientation Issue 2024

Letter from the editor: Students can submit tips to support the Daily Bruin’s investigative reporting

By Catherine Hamilton and Lex Wang

Sept. 21, 2023 8:57 p.m.

Dear Bruins:

A lot has happened on our campus over the past year.

Although most of your minds are undoubtedly jumping to Chancellor Gene Block’s retirement announcement or last year’s fall quarter United Auto Workers strike, here at the Daily Bruin, we’re simultaneously thinking of the hidden accounts that would have gone unreported without our investigative coverage.

Bruins wouldn’t be aware of the shortcomings of the UCLA Title IX office, including the data that shows our university conducts one of the lowest percentages of formal investigations to total allegations among the UCs.

Bruins wouldn’t have been alerted to the dangers – such as mold and elevators that carry expired permits – of living in UCLA-owned apartments.

Bruins wouldn’t have realized that finances from the Green Initiative Fund were being mismanaged, with huge surpluses going completely unspent during past years.

Bruins wouldn’t have known about ASUCLA’s misconduct relating to student workers’ overtime shifts – which is currently allowed because of an exemption from state labor laws.

Bruins wouldn’t be familiar with the past and ongoing court battles of former UCLA gynecologist James Heaps. We’ve followed this case since charges were first pressed in 2019 and have brought you along to observe, too.

There are countless other examples, each thoroughly, meticulously and painstakingly researched and written by our staff.

Now, imagine how much more we could accomplish with your tips.

If you see or hear anything – if you even smell a scoop – please let us know. Reach out about the wrongdoings you notice that are occurring within the administration – whether certain departments or offices can do better. Tell us when you have complaints related to discrimination and if you witness forms of racism and sexism.

Together, between us all, perhaps our stories will continue to bring the systemic issues affecting the most vulnerable members of our community to light.

Bring evidence. Bring proof. And in return, we will bring heart to the stories we tell.

As much as you may rely on us to tell you about what we’ve discovered, we depend just as much on you.

At the end of the day, we may not be the Los Angeles Times, but the Daily Bruin is a student-serving newspaper. Our primary, and, truth be told, only goal, is to do right by you all.

Ultimately, we cannot express how much we not only appreciate but also value your support.

Once again, we encourage you all to submit – whether it be through our website’s contact page or by emailing us – any tip you have in order for the Daily Bruin to hold the institutions at UCLA accountable.

As the campus’ watchdog, it is our responsibility to expose violations of public trust. With your help, we plan to ensure each and every Bruin has access to the information they deserve.

We’re beyond excited to work with you.

Thank you,
Catherine Hamilton, News editor
Lex Wang, Enterprise editor

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Catherine Hamilton
Hamilton was the 2023-2024 News editor and a Copy staff member. She was previously the 2022-2023 national news and higher education beat editor and a national news contributor.
Hamilton was the 2023-2024 News editor and a Copy staff member. She was previously the 2022-2023 national news and higher education beat editor and a national news contributor.
Lex Wang | Editor in chief
Wang is the 2024-2025 editor in chief. She was previously the 2022-2023 Opinion editor and the 2023-2024 Enterprise editor. She is Copy, Arts and Quad staff and also contributes to News, Sports on the men's volleyball beat, Design, Photo and Video.
Wang is the 2024-2025 editor in chief. She was previously the 2022-2023 Opinion editor and the 2023-2024 Enterprise editor. She is Copy, Arts and Quad staff and also contributes to News, Sports on the men's volleyball beat, Design, Photo and Video.
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