The UCLA community expressed concern after the Asian American Studies Center received a flyer declaring that a white supremacist rally would be held on campus on Feb.
University of California students and faculty expressed support for a proposed bill that would lend $5 billion to construct affordable housing while also urging the UC to find more solutions for systemwide housing shortages.
This post was updated Nov. 16 at 3:11 p.m.
UCLA students advocated for accessible, survivor-centered practices in response to recent revisions to the Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.
As in-person activities continue to ramp up, students voiced concerns about the effectiveness of the daily symptom monitoring requirement as a part of UCLA’s COVID-19 management.
Bruins come from all around the world, from Colombia to Bangladesh. Because of the pandemic, many international Bruins are currently residing in their home countries. In “At a Distance,” Daily Bruin writers will look at events around the world Bruins care about and give a student’s perspective on the topics.
This post was updated May 2 at 9:21 p.m.
A UCLA student and faculty said a new plan to address gun violence is a step in the right direction, as mass shootings occur nearly every day.
Black men experience daily discrimination, even after breaking through the glass ceiling, according to a UCLA-led study published in March.
The study found that Black men who reach a high socioeconomic status still face higher levels of discrimination compared to their white counterparts.
This post was updated Feb. 25 at 11:25 p.m.
Bruins come from all around the world, from Colombia to Bangladesh. Because of the pandemic, many international Bruins are currently residing in their home countries.
President Joe Biden’s Cabinet is opening a lot of doors.
Cabinet secretaries are responsible for advising the president on issues specific to their departments. The U.S.
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