“I think it’s art because … when they first come, it’s like hair all over the place, it’s like a blank canvas,” says Michael Sianturi, a fourth-year psychobiology student who offers haircuts at his apartment and accepts donations to go toward his college expenses.
“We had one Lunchtime Disco where people created a conga line that was going in and out of the doors onto Wilshire Boulevard and people were doing – dancing up and down the sidewalk and up and down the stairs,” says Allison Agsten, The Hammer Museum’s Curator of Public Engagement.
Artists were invited to UCLA’s 27th annual Jazz Reggae Festival to create their pieces live, in front of festival attendees. Some of their work included sustainable aluminum can art and watercolor painting.
UCLA first-year student and rapper Maurice Wheatley, also known as Ace Mack, performs his new song “Revelation” in front of Royce Hall. He talks about the inspiration for his song and what he hopes listeners get from his rhymes.
Dressed in brightly colored onesies and last minute DIY creations, participants of Dance Marathon took full advantage of the various themed shifts that took place over 26 hours.
Jumping on brightly lit quadrants, students participate on the first ever human powered dance floor at Dance Marathon. UCLA’s Ecology, Economy, Equity club teamed up with the Pediatric AIDS Coalition to bring the event the kinetic dance floor.
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