Sara Pickup has been participating in some form of ROTC since
she was a freshman in high school.
Now, after eight years in both Junior ROTC in high school and
Navy ROTC at UCLA, she is awaiting her commissioning.
Corporate sponsors offer everything ranging from cash donations
to discounts to pairs of socks in exchange for extra advertising
with UCLA student groups.
Last month, the Center for Student Programming conducted an
audit of corporate sponsorships.
Thirty law schools have joined together in a lawsuit against the
Department of Defense, but UCLA is steering clear of the fray.
The lawsuit addresses the Solomon Amendment, which allows the
federal government to withhold funding from schools that restrict
military recruiters’ access to their campus.
It is not every student who has monitored the medical conditions
of U.S. base camps in Afghanistan. But that is precisely what
Juliet Kirkpatrick, a fourth-year microbiology, immunology and
molecular genetics student, did.
They are the next potential enlistees in the army, the next
potential leaders of U.S. soldiers and the next potential
recipients of up to $80,000. And on Thursday, candidates for ROTC
scholarships had 30 minutes to prove they were worthy.
Nommo, which means “the power of the word” in the
Dogon language, is the black community’s newsmagazine at
Absent from the campus for the past several months, it will be
distributing its first issue next week on Feb.
They have gained members and lost them, worked out of apartments
and never really had a headquarters.
But next year, if all goes according to plan, Delta Tau Delta
fraternity will finally have a place to call home.
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