US News & World Report ranks UCLA as No. 1 public university for 6th year in a row

Royce Hall, pictured above, is a central building on UCLA’s campus. U.S. News & World Report ranked UCLA and UC Berkeley tied as the No. 1 national public universities. (Joseph Jimenez/Assistant Photo editor)
UCLA tied with UC Berkeley for first place on the U.S News & World Report’s public university rankings, earning the No. 1 ranking for the sixth year in a row but breaking its four-year streak as the sole university at the top spot.
U.S. News & World Report – a media company that publishes news, rankings and analysis – annually creates multiple ratings for U.S. universities. The rankings are based on an academic quality score comprised of a variety of aspects such as undergraduate academic reputation and retention rates, according to the report.
UCLA and UC Berkeley also tied for 20th overall university nationally and seventh overall university nationally for veterans.
UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC San Diego and UC Davis also all ranked in the top 10 public schools, according to the report. The report listed Princeton University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Stanford University and Yale University as the top five universities nationwide.
“(The ranking) is a recognition of the hard work of the staff and faculty, who believe deeply in our academic mission and drive it forward,” said Chancellor Gene Block in a press release Sunday. “It is a recognition of our students’ brilliance, creativity, ambition and persistence, both in their time on campus and in their lives as alumni.”