When she found out about the Shorttakes Student Film Festival online last November, first-year film student Daniela Arguello thought back to an idea for a class project she never had the chance to do.
At 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve, graduate costume design student Charlotte Ballard said she realized her costume was lacking.
She sped over to Home Depot, leaving the workshop she created in her parents’ garage.
Undergraduate student government officers added a post-film discussion to their Tuesday screening of “American Sniper” after dozens of students plastered its Facebook event page with concerns that the film promotes Islamophobia and glorifies war.
The actress belts out her verses with blues music playing in the background, reverberating in Schoenberg Theater with each low thunderous note.
The performer sings of the horrors and ironies that infiltrated the movie industry in the early 20th century.
With the new series “arTistic Attention,” A&E will feature the very people whose office hours we really should go to more and explore their arts and entertainment-geared interests to find out what really makes them tick.
When the Producers Guild of America asked him to write a story with a car in it, Alvaro Ron thought of his grandfather.
Ron’s grandfather drove actors and actresses in the ’50s, such as Ava Gardner and Charlton Heston, while they filmed in Spain.
UCLA alumnus Randall Park said he’d never thought acting would be anything more than a hobby. It wasn’t until later that he would drop everything to pursue acting as a full-time career.
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