Nurse Jill Palechek begins her 12-hour shift at 7 a.m. in the emergency and pediatric intensive care unit at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.
After what seems like an uneventful day of routine rounds, her pager suddenly buzzes.
Students with the sniffles during the weekend can now go to the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center on Saturdays for walk-in appointments.
A new pilot program, which began April 6, extended the hours of the center to better accommodate the needs of students, said Dr. David Baron, executive director of the Ashe Center who also writes a column called “Ashe About Your Health” for the Daily Bruin.
Taking a break during their daily walk to and from campus, students paused briefly at Bruin Plaza to get their fix of fresh produce, from bright orange peppers to green cucumbers to ripe red tomatoes.
After weeks of searching through a research database, requesting books from different libraries and sifting through a scientific journal from the 1980s, Annie Chen finally completed her research submission ““ the effect of infrasound on the human auditory system.
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