Universities have traditionally offered a clear path to a professional academic career: muddle through graduate school, work as an assistant professor, and then finally reach the golden apple, tenure.
The debate and media storm surrounding Chick-fil-A has left the voices of moderates and politically uninvolved citizens behind by attaching political views to, of all things, chicken sandwiches.
Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year must correct the overstated amount of funding his administration believes is owed to schools next year if it is truly concerned with reducing costs and the deficit in California.
In the past few years, academia-specific social networking websites have grown in popularity among faculty members at universities across the United States.
The tuition grants that thousands of graduate students in the California State University system depend on are safe from cuts for now, but the decision to preserve them is likely a Band-Aid solution to the problem of financing public education.
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