This post was updated Feb. 16 at 5:14 p.m.
The Artistic Activism Coalition creates impact through art.
By educating its members on issues of social justice, the club strives to connect art and advocacy.
This post was updated Jan. 17 at 9:41 p.m.
Jessica Win is the transfer mentor she never had.
The fourth-year mathematics of computation student runs a YouTube channel with nearly 1,700 subscribers, posting content surrounding her college life and career.
This post was updated Sept. 30 at 4:24 p.m.
Chilk is milk’s cooler cousin.
Conceived in November, the student startup creates milk-alternative beverages infused with hemp extracts that contain a percent of CBD, which aids with stress relief and relaxation.
Tisha Gonda Domingo and Jorell Domingo are co-founders of the largest Filipino Instant Pot community on the internet.
The married UCLA alumni made their Facebook group, Filipino Recipes Instant Pot Community, in 2018 with the hopes of creating a space for people to learn about and enjoy Filipino culture, Tisha said.
Darlene Hoang’s mundane moments in her dorm room caught the attention of millions.
The first-year pre-communication student said she started making TikTok videos at home in March to keep track of her college acceptance letters.
“Lumpia” is making its silver screen homecoming after 17 years.
The amateur film first premiered in 2003 at the Hawai’i International Film Festival, garnering publicity from media outlets like Variety magazine.
Yasmin Olvera’s high school entrepreneurial dream came true – now, she ships out craft orders to people all over the country.
The fourth-year geography and environmental studies student said her initial idea for her craft business originated when her coworker introduced her to the Cricut, a machine used to cut through all kinds of materials.
The UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television students never expected to direct, perform or act in a virtual space.
But the department will be creating new opportunities to accommodate its students as the faculty shifts their focus from public showings to developmental work, said acting chair of the department of theater Dominic Taylor.
In a time of shut downs, Maritza Lopez is launching her own small business.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the third-year pre-international development studies student said she wanted to make the most out of her free time and decided to start a jewelry and body care business in the comfort and safety of her own home.
Company’s sketches in Spring Sing 2020 are more likely to be set in a Zoom call rather than in front of Royce Hall.
The group of 12 students performs comedic sketches each annual Spring Sing.
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