I awoke to the sound of the overnight train chugging and whistling along the creaky rails between Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
When I finished washing up, none of the daytime seating had been set up yet, except for one empty seat facing a middle-aged Caucasian man.
Skip-Its and He-Man action figures may have an expiration on their popularity, but Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and PC downloadable games such as Capcom’s “Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo” and, most recently, “Bionic Commando Rearmed” show that some toys of the 1980s never lose their charm.
In a geographical world that is now converging with the World Wide Web, oceans seem to shrink into a mere data stream. For a specific cultural group, Asian Americans, the effect of new media, particularly in the past 15 years, has catalyzed the formation of a new subcategory of pop culture: Asian American pop culture.
Rosen and Guber believe storytelling is central to our existence as humans, socially and professionally, whether in show business or business in general, the courtroom or the classroom. The two also hope that students from different backgrounds will be able to interact and build meaningful connections with each other throughout the course.
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