Sam Lieberstein is a musician, yet he rarely gets to play his instruments.
As a second-year ethnomusicology student, like most other students who take classes in the department, Lieberstein doesn’t own the instruments ““ the yangqin and the sitar ““ he is trying to master.
He comes out to his students on the first day of class ““ not as gay, but as transgender.
Women’s studies doctoral student and TA Jacob Lau told me that putting a face to a label is vitally important.
Those who believe in gender equality have been fighting for years to level the playing field; yet we need look no further than co-recreational intramural sports to realize that by default, women are still assumed to be unequal to men in their skill and experience levels.
More freshmen than ever before are coming to UCLA next year, which means more students than ever may be thinking about taking a General Education freshman cluster.
The program has been hailed by administrators as one of the best and most innovative for undergraduates at UCLA.
Asians in the library aren’t the only ones noticing Alexandra Wallace’s video on YouTube. A racist, three-minute rant was all it took for Wallace to get half a million views, have her name in papers across the world, and receive multiple death threats.
If the reaction to Wallace’s insensitive video is any indication, she isn’t the only misguided one.
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