While living in Rieber Hall last year, Usman Azam became familiar with the sound of construction. As a night owl and late riser, Azam said he was often awoken by the early-morning construction on nearby Sproul buildings.
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For the founders of a new app focused on vocal communication, their main goal is creating a world where their users can share their voice.
Hours after the last participants in UCLA’s fourth annual Holi festival trickled out of Sunset Recreation Center late Sunday afternoon, third-year political student Steven James was still cleaning up the multi-colored powder left behind.
The UCLA School of Dentistry recently received $11 million from an L.A.-based child advocacy group to expand the scope of its dental care services in Los Angeles County, especially for low-income children and pregnant women.
As a resident on the Hill about 2 1/2 years ago, Te Luan remembers having a hard time finding open tables in the often-crowded dining halls. These experiences later inspired him to develop the idea for an app to help students save time while eating in the dining halls.
UCLA Housing and the Office of Residential Life are requiring students to store their belongings in lockers or leave them on metal racks, now located inside the dining halls, in response to a recent string of thefts.
Members of the UCLA Armenian Student Association held a silent demonstration in front of Kerckhoff Hall on Thursday to educate students about the Armenian Genocide.
The Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire was reported to be two million in 1915, according to the Armenian National Institute.
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