Often, when a major corporation, like a tobacco company or a commercial bank, wants to make a lawsuit go away, it pays the plaintiff to keep quiet. The company then walks away without having to claim any liability or fault, and the plaintiff is compensated with a monetary settlement.
With marriage equality finally achieved in California, students across the University of California system, and indeed here at UCLA, must continue to pursue and advocate for incremental steps toward full LGBT rights.
I’ve struggled on and off with depression and often debilitating anxiety since my freshman year of high school. At times, these issues have completely limited my ability to succeed academically.
For most of us, picking which bathroom to use requires no thought. But for members of the transgender community, choosing a bathroom can put them at risk of harassment or embarrassment.
Callous approaches to discussions about rape and sexual assault are nothing new. Too often, we see instances in which the conversation surrounding these crimes does not take into account the gravity and implications of these acts for all parties involved.
In a decision lauded by advocates of reproductive rights nationwide, federal Judge Edward R. Korman ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make emergency contraceptives available to anyone, regardless of age, as an over-the-counter prescription – a policy change that will take place within the next couple weeks.
Approximately 2.7 million Americans changed their profile pictures last week to some variation of the Human Rights Campaign’s red equal sign in support of same-sex marriage, according to estimates from Facebook.
The fashion icon Kate Moss once said, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” This quote reflects a message that is often emphasized in American advertising: If you want to be successful or happy, you need to be skinny. For most of us, this concept has very little to do with reality.
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