“Fiat Lux” is a Daily Bruin podcast featuring stories of resilience from the UCLA community. In this episode, Daily Bruin Podcasts contributor Alan Humphreys talks to Michael Schindlinger and his wife Irene Chen, who are both instructors on campus, about their experience dealing with his hemorrhagic stroke in February 2020.
Sophia Khoroushi: Hey fellow Bruins. Welcome back to “The Royce Report.” In this episode my co-hosts Ananya Iyer, Alan Humphreys and I, Sophia Khoroushi, will be updating you on the latest UCLA news from the first few weeks of spring quarter.
Student government elections. Stolen snapshots of students partying during the pandemic. GroupMe rants about teaching assistants. Nothing is safe from the many eyes of r/ucla.
With the transition to online learning and the loss of physical interaction, people have flocked to Reddit and r/ucla, the UCLA subreddit, for a sense of community.
Sophia Khoroushi: Hey fellow Bruins. Welcome to the very first episode of The Royce Report. My name is Sophia Khoroushi and I will be co-hosting this podcast with my friends Ananya Iyer and Alan Humphreys.
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