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USAC end-of-term recap – 21 resolutions passed in 2023-2024 school year

Resolutions passed by the Undergraduate Students Association Council are pictured. The council passed over 20 resolutions during the 2023-2024 term. (Zimo Li/Photo editor)

By Aimee Zhang

June 10, 2024 4:00 p.m.

The Undergraduate Students Association Council passed 21 resolutions throughout the 2023-2024 school year, ranging from supporting different labor unions to supporting diverse ethnic groups.

Council resolutions exist to express the opinion of the council and pass when a majority of council members vote for them, according to the USAC bylaws. Resolutions typically contain both contextual information about an issue and action items for the council to take, as well as recommendations for the UCLA administration.

Resolution in Opposition of the UC’s Contributions to the Development of the Thirty-Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea and Demand for Support into Indigenous Communities

The council unanimously passed a resolution in May 2023, calling on the University of California to divest from the development of the Thirty-Meter Telescope project on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano in Hawaii. The resolution alleged environmental mismanagement and expressed support for indigenous communities in Hawaii.

Resolution in Support of Affirmative Action Against the Supreme Court’s Ruling to Terminate Equitable College Admissions in the U.S.

The council unanimously passed, with one abstention, a resolution in July 2023, encouraging the UCLA community to ask the university administration to reinstate equitable opportunities for students who have been historically marginalized. The resolution condemned the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2023 ruling ending race-conscious admission programs at many U.S. universities.

Resolution in Support of The LGBTQIA+ Community After Discriminatory Supreme Court Ruling

The council unanimously passed another resolution in July 2023, condemning the Supreme Court’s June 2023 ruling on Creative v. Elenis, which sided with a Christian web designer who refused – out of religious objections – to create celebratory websites for same-sex weddings. The resolution alleges the court’s decision promotes and protects anti-LGBTQIA+ actions and sentiments.

Resolution in Support of Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6 About University of California Labor Standards

The council unanimously passed a resolution in Aug. 2023, supporting Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6. According to the resolution, ACA 6 allows employees of the University to be protected under laws that contain strict labor standards – including equal pay, minimum wage, occupational safety and health standards. The resolution also condemned the UC and UC chancellors’ opposition to the bill as an endorsement of unfair and substandard labor practices.

A Resolution to Ensure UCLA’s Health, Safety, and Wellness in Response to COVID-19

The council unanimously passed a resolution in Sept. 2023, asking UCLA to follow CDC guidance on COVID-19, which includes making vaccinations easily accessible, enforcing maximum physical distancing and applying screening testing programs with free Rapid Antigen tests, among other measures.

A Resolution in Support of the UC Student Association’s Racial Justice Now Campaign for Academic Reparations and the Establishment of a Permanent $1 Billion Endowment Fund to Improve Afrikan UC Student Access, Retention, and Graduation Rates

The council unanimously passed a resolution in Nov. 2023, supporting the UC Student Association’s Racial Justice Now campaign’s goal of establishing a permanent, $1 billion endowment fund to improve Afrikan UC student access, retention and graduation rates. The council resolved that the UC Office of the President, administrative leadership at all UC campuses and all UC student unions should establish racially inclusive and empowering initiatives in order to compensate Black students for what USAC called the UC’s systematic mistreatment of students.

A Resolution In Support of the Use of Increased Funding to Expand UCLA’s Collegiate Recovery Services

The council unanimously passed another resolution in Nov. 2023, calling upon UCLA to hire at least one paid, full-time professional to oversee the collegiate recovery program. USAC resolved to support an approach of harm reduction – establishing substance abuse recovery as an individualistic process.

Resolution Requesting the ASUCLA Board of Directors to Cut All Contracts with Starbucks Coffee Company

The council unanimously passed a third resolution in Nov. 2023, calling for the ASUCLA Board of Directors to cut all contracts with Starbucks. According to the resolution, the National Labor Relations Board filed over 80 complaints of federal labor law violations and over 500 unfair labor practice charges against Starbucks. USAC also requested the ASUCLA Board of Directors publish a statement pledging not to renew any leases with Starbucks and to terminate any existing agreements if Starbucks refused to bargain in good faith.

Resolution to Support the Healthy Streets LA Ballot Measure

The council unanimously passed a fourth resolution in Nov. 2023, in support of Measure HLA, which would create protected bike lanes and dedicated bus lanes, improve pedestrian safety and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and negative health impacts from Los Angeles roads, among other impacts. The council pledged to increase voter resources and awareness of local elections through increased MyUCLA announcements, USAC campus-wide emails and departmental blasts. Measure HLA passed March 5.

Sikh Heritage Month Resolution

The council unanimously passed another resolution in Nov. 2023, recognizing November as Sikh Heritage Month. The council called upon UC President Michael Drake, Chancellor Gene Block and other leaders in administration to call on UCLA and the UC system to establish November as the official month of remembrance for the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in India – which the California State Assembly has recognized as a genocide.

A Resolution to Endorse UCLA Commitment to 100% Clean Energy by 2035

The council unanimously passed, with one abstention, a resolution in Dec. 2023, supporting UCLA’s commitment to completely rely on clean energy by 2035. USAC also resolved to educate and encourage students to support UCLA’s current efforts toward renewable energies.

A Resolution in Support of STC Heavy Rail 24

The council unanimously passed a resolution Feb. 6 calling on the ASUCLA Board of Directors Service Committee to publicly endorse Alternatives 4, 5 and 6 in LA Metro’s Sepulveda Transit Corridor project and rejected all proposals for a monorail alternative. According to the resolution, Alternatives 4, 5 and 6 include an underground heavy rail with shorter travel times, more stops at UCLA locations and higher rider capacity than the other alternatives.

A Resolution to Boycott and Divest from Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, and Genocide

The council passed a resolution, with a 10-3 vote Feb. 20 formally calling upon the UC Board of Regents, the UCLA administration and the ASUCLA Board of Directors to divest from weapons manufacturers and companies providing material benefits that support the violations of international law and human rights.

Resolution Condemning the Genocide of the Ethnic Armenian Population of Artsakh and Calling for the University of California’s Immediate Divestment from the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey

The council unanimously passed a resolution March 5 condemning what they described as the genocide of the ethnic Armenians in Artsakh, a region also known as Nagorno-Karabakh. USAC called upon UCLA to divest from the governments of Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as for greater financial transparency of the UC investments, demanding the UC system disclose any and all financial investments linked to foreign governments.

Resolution in Support of California AB 1818

The council unanimously passed a resolution March 5 that supported Assembly Bill 1818, which would require California community colleges and California State University’s to give eligible students overnight parking. The legislation was drafted in part by Alette Laughton, a third-year microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics student.

A Resolution in Support of an Earmark in Appropriations for Bruin Cubbies

The council unanimously passed a resolution March 5 in support of the UCLA Government and Community Relations team’s request for $500,000 from the Congressional Community Project Funding fiscal year 2025 budget to fund the establishment of Bruin Cubbies Initiative. According to the resolution, the Bruin Cubbies Initiative aims to provide UCLA students with individual or small group pod spaces that are fully enclosed, noise-canceling and private to improve UCLA students’ mental health and well-being.

Resolution Calling on Chancellor Gene Block to Demand Nike Pay Hong Seng Workers

The council unanimously passed a resolution April 23 calling on Block to write a letter to Nike, condemning the Hong Seng Knitting Factory in Bangkok for not paying their workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the resolution, the factory required its workers to take “voluntary” leave without pay. USAC also called upon Block and the ASUCLA Board of Directors to end any licensing contracts with Nike until workers are paid their missing wages, including UCLA’s six-year $46.45 million dollar contract with Nike and its brand Jordan.

A Resolution to Ensure the UCLA Community’s Health, Safety, and Wellness in Response to COVID-19 – DSU & SLAP

The council unanimously passed a resolution April 30 calling on the UCLA administration to take more preventative measures against COVID-19. This included calling on the university to reinstate the Infectious Disease Management Team, provide free and accessible masks at front desk sites and a public statement by UCLA in support of providing protections for all university and ASUCLA workers.

A Resolution to Implement Course Marking at UCLA

USAC unanimously passed a resolution April 30 requesting the implementation of course marking – a practice that requires the entire cost of a class’ course materials be posted to the registered website at the time of enrollment – and the ​​endorsement of the Undergraduate Council of the Academic Senate to execute this implementation.

A Resolution In Solidarity with UCLA and all Universities exercising Pro-Palestinian Encampments and Actions, and Their Right to Peaceful Protest

The council unanimously passed a resolution April 30 condemning violent attacks on the Palestine solidarity encampment by aggressors. USAC also condemned the university administration’s designation of the encampment as unlawful and UCLA’s increased police presence around campus. The resolution denounced Block and his administration’s alleged negligence toward the violence that student protesters have faced from aggressors.

Resolution Calling for the Immediate Resignation of Chancellor Gene Block if He Does Not Meet PSE Divestment Demands, Grant Amnesty to Affected Students, and Waive Medical Bills of Those Hospitalized

USAC passed a resolution, with a 10-3 vote May 7 calling for Block’s immediate resignation if he refuses to meet the pro-Palestine encampment’s demands. The encampment’s participants had previously demanded actions including divestment from companies associated with Israel, reduced policing on campus and an academic boycott of Israeli universities.

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Aimee Zhang
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