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Dear UCLA | Orientation Issue 2024

Napolitano, other UC chancellors take 10% pay cut in response to budget crisis

University of California President Janet Napolitano will take a 10% pay cut next year, along with all 10 UC chancellors, in response to COVID-19 related financial difficulties. Additionally, the UC will freeze salaries for non-unionized staff and non-student academic appointees.

By Julia Shapero

May 18, 2020 8:58 p.m.

University of California President Janet Napolitano and all 10 UC chancellors will take a voluntary 10% pay cut next year in response to the financial difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Napolitano said in a letter to the UC community on Monday that the UC will also freeze salaries for nonunionized staff employees and nonstudent academic appointees next year, meaning these employees will not see salary increases.

The UC campuses and Office of the President are also developing budget scenarios that anticipate cuts for the next fiscal year, and are looking to reduce expenses, like through eliminating nonessential travel, Napolitano said.

“We continue to work closely with the State of California and the federal government to secure any and all additional funding available to help address the shortfalls,” Napolitano said. “Much of the funding is designated for student financial aid, and while we are grateful for the funding, we do not anticipate full reimbursement for our losses.” 

The UC already faced a financial loss of almost $1.2 billion from mid-March through April before California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a 10% cut to state funding for public colleges and universities in his revised budget proposal on Friday. The cut would reduce UC funding by $372 million.

The University of California Board of Regents will convene from Tuesday through Thursday to discuss the impacts of COVID-19, among other business. 

UC schools have yet to confirm their plans for instruction for the 2020-2021 academic year.

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Julia Shapero | Assistant News editor
Shapero is a senior staff News reporter. She was previously an assistant News editor in the National News & Higher Education beat. Shapero is a fourth-year political science student who enjoys covering national and statewide news.
Shapero is a senior staff News reporter. She was previously an assistant News editor in the National News & Higher Education beat. Shapero is a fourth-year political science student who enjoys covering national and statewide news.
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