USAC recap – April 19

By Celeste Paapanen
May 28, 2022 3:53 p.m.
The Undergraduate Students Association Council approved office space allocations for student organizations.
USAC is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place remotely every Tuesday at 7 p.m. and are open to all students. Students can find the links for meetings on the Internal Vice President’s Facebook page or watch a livestream on the USAC Live! channel on YouTube.
Public comment:
Clara Castronovo, chapter chair of the California Public Interest Research Group at UCLA, who runs CALPIRG’s Beyond Plastic campaign, said the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance limiting single-use plastics. Castronovo, a second-year sociology student, also announced that CALPIRG is working to pass Assembly Bill 2624, which would require California community colleges and state universities to make the estimated costs of course materials visible on online course schedules before students enroll. Castronovo said the bill would also request that University of California campuses do the same.
Special presentations:
Monica Campbell and Taylor Vassar from the LGBTQ Campus Resource Center assessment and engagement team delivered a presentation on the Queer and/or Transgender Black, Indigenous, People of Color Student Experiences Project at UCLA. Based on the study’s findings, the team recommended that, among other initiatives, USAC increase the visibility of QTBIPOC students and improve education and awareness training for faculty.
Gloria Ko, senior director of alumni career engagement, and Vivian San Gabriel, assistant director of alumni career engagement, from UCLA Alumni Affairs delivered a presentation on UCLA ONE, the UCLA online networking platform for students and alumni to connect.
The council allocated $17,929.41 to 32 non-USAC entities.
The council cut the week’s allocations by 20% because of limited funding.
The Supplemental Fund for Service allocated $7,200.62 to seven non-Community Service Commission organizations.
The Academic Success Referendum Fund allocated $2000 to one non-USAC entity.
- The Travel Grant Mini Fund allocated $7391.40 to seven non-USAC entities.
The council approved the minutes from its April 12 meeting.
The council approved the Office Space Allocation Committee space allocations and contract changes for 2022-2024, presented by Hannah Regan, a fourth-year political science student and OSAC member. OSAC allocated space to all the student organizations that were given space under the previous allocation, as well as to several new organizations. Student organizations with lockers got to keep their locker space, and many additional student organizations were given locker space. Updated Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement registration requirements were also added to the 2022-2024 OSAC contracts. Student organizations will be required to complete and post a Shared Office Space Agreement form annually.
The council approved a change that moves the approved license vendor link for T-shirts from an ASUCLA website to a UCLA lifestyle website.
Officer reports:
President Breeze Velazquez said her office hosted its Future Student Leaders of Color Conference. Velazquez also attended a meeting with the University of California Office of the President and the Council of Presidents, where they discussed Gov. Newsom’s proposed budget, UC Climate and Sustainability Goals and mentorship standards for UCLA students. Velazquez added that her office met with Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Anna Spain Bradley to discuss the role of EDI in communicating threats on campus and providing future community care.
Internal Vice President Cassandra Gatica said her office is hoping to highlight three to four more student organizations this term and continue their social justice social media campaigns. She added that her office’s outreach team assembled a list of contact information for more than 1,000 student organizations in collaboration with Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement. Gatica said she will be meeting with the Economic Crisis Response Team to work on a housing relief award for students experiencing housing insecurity. She also added she is currently reviewing the campus safety bylaws and may make changes.
Academic Affairs Commissioner Angelina Quint said her office will be hosting its quarterly counseling event on April 26, from 3 to 4 p.m., during which students can drop in and inquire about degree planning and major requirements. Quint added that the Retention First committee finished reviewing applications and is currently awarding allocations for Books for Bruins. Quint also said the Retention First committee is hosting a midterm study social on April 26 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Cultural Affairs Commissioner Promise Ogunleye said her office is hosting its hip-hop fashion show on April 20. Ogunleye added that the Cultural Affairs Commission will be hosting its Hip-Hop Explosion concert on April 28.
Other business:
Palmer Turnbull, the UCLA USA Elections Board chair, said one USAC candidate requested that voting for all USAC positions occur between May 2 and May 6, instead of starting on April 29, in recognition of the Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest, occuring April 29 to April 30. Turnbull said he feels this will have a negative impact on voter turnout and added that the Elections Board instead proposed a pause in campaigning that would occur from 7 p.m. on April 29 to 8 p.m. on April 30. Turnbull said all general representative candidates will need to agree to pause campaigning.