Junior guard Aaron Holiday blocks Cal forward Marcus Lee's shot.
Senior forward GG Goloman blocks Cal forward Justice Sueing's shot.
Freshman guard Kris Wilkes fights for a layup in the first half. Wilkes went 2 for 8 in field goals.
Coach Steve Alford voiced his frustration throughout the first half as Bruins lagged behind by 14 points.
Senior center Thomas Welsh was removed from the court during the first half due to a knee injury.
Freshman guard Kris Wilkes pushes against Cal center Kingsley Okoroh for one of his two field goals.
Cal guard Nick Hamilton crashes into UCLA coach Steve Alford and the rest of the benched team when trying to gain possession of the ball.
Freshman guard Jaylen Hands finished second on the Bruins with 14 points in Thursday’s content, shooting just 4-of-12 from the field but knocking down 5-of-6 free throws.
Junior guard Aaron Holiday led the game, scoring 21 points overall.
Freshman guard Jaylen Hands attempts an assist during the second half of the game.
Senior center Thomas Welsh came back strong in the second half and aided in the collection of 3 field goals.
Junior guard Aaron Holiday struggles to find a route to the hoop through two Cal defenders in the first half. The Bruins struggled against Cal's defense early in the game.
Freshman guard Jaylen Hands gets pulled down in his attempt to make one of his 12 attempted field goals.
Cal power forward Marcus Lee soars for a dunk in Bruin territory.
Junior guard Aaron Holiday tries a jumper against Cal in the first half. Holiday went 5-of-8 in field goals.