Mark Kaai attempts to move through two defenders.
Frank Acevendo dribble past a USC defender.
Grant Kitani looks for a teammate to pass to.
Jose Fuentes attempts to move the ball past a USC defender.
Freshman guard/forward Jonah Bolden laughs on the sideline.
Sophomore guard Bryce Alford coaches Grant Kitani on the sideline.
Grant Kitani goes up for a shot.
The UCLA men's basketball managers fell to USC 72-78.
Bryce Alford coaches the team.
Gustavo Indarose goes up for a shot.
Grant Kitani looks for a teammate to pass to.
Junior forward Tony Parker coaches the team on the sideline.
Gustavo Indarose during the second half of the game between the UCLA and USC managers.
Chase Laliotis attempts a free-throw late in the second half of the game.
Freshman forward GG Goloman was the referee of the game.
Parker acted as a coach to the managers, Friday evening.