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Black History Month 2025

Letter From the Editors

By Alexa Smahl and Erika Harvey

Nov. 27, 2012 12:55 a.m.

The way we consume information has fundamentally changed with the embrace of the Web stream.

Social media has provided an unprecedented experience of connection within the UCLA community.

Despite this, the editors of prime still believe in the value of storytelling in a form that does justice to the complexities and nuances of the world around us. Some things just can’t be summed up in 140 characters.

So this quarter, we’ve hoped to produce an issue that celebrates the importance of committing attention to details and taking the time to learn new things.

Read about how a collection of 7UP bottles have become a symbol of John Wooden’s character, as he took the time to foster an unexpected acquaintance (Bottled Up).

See how our first and immediate impressions might be disproven with a closer look at how Justin Combs ended up playing football at UCLA (Prince of Fame).

Or engage in conversation about the complicated definition of women’s roles within the comic book medium (Wonder Women).

It’s hard to disrupt the daily grind and deny the technological advantages to instant updating. Even we recognize the opportunity to source from our readers through Instagram (#uclaprime).
But we hope you’ll take the time to enjoy prime.

Erika Harvey

Carly Cody

Alexa Smahl

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